Aquarius moon ..the Conjunction.

QueenB. Divine
1 min readOct 14, 2021

WHAT is POSTROLOGY? β€¦πŸŒ•β˜€οΈπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆ If you know another who needs to be inspired …Please Share


Created by Queen.B.Divine

Poems written for the changing moon signs

Entertaining to assist with mental-health

Blending Poetry & Astrology

Follow , subscribe …OneLove

β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Join me on #wisdomapp β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”

Miracle happen Ep1

Good morning ….🌎🌎🌎 A girl from Toronto ….. Meet Queenbdivine and join her as she share her story, her journey old memories of Jamaica, running away from home, living on the streets, group homes, abuse and triumph and more follow and Listen as she pulls life lessons from the past and finds the Blunt wisdom in the reflection

The journey continues ….So I find myself out of the stairway into into another room of the journey.

Some children run and never find the miracles …this story is for them …ONELOVE

β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” -Thank you for listening…ONELOVE



QueenB. Divine

The Cure is Conversation Podcast that examines #mentalhealth as lived by QueenBDivine. Listen as she shares her secrets